Information Technologies and Communication: Individual and Community Safety

Individual and Social Security: Right of Communication and Freedom of Expression

In the change of societies, the tools of the period are the subject of change. The function of the plow in the agricultural society has been taken over by the network technology in the information society. Information is the most important instrument of the last century, and those who can manage these data have significant advantages over others in accessing and using global resources. The foremost advantage of these is to constantly monitor others and to retain data that can guide them. One of the advantages of information analysis processes is to constantly monitor others and to store data that can guide them. Civilizations that invested in information and computer technologies in the past have become hegemonic powers over other societies over time. Today, information is transformed into smart technologies thanks to the technologies developed over time. The transition from the so-called information society to today’s super smart society has emerged as a result of these developments. The most important factor in all these changes is the internet and the developments related to it. Smart systems, which are the combination of network technology and telecommunication systems, are considered important in Turkey, but the desired level has not been achieved yet. Although there is a need to encourage studies in this field, it is clear that certain values should not be overlooked in keeping up with this change. In particular, it is necessary for everyone to know the social problems that arise in this transformation process. With this period, which is also called Materialistic Cultural Despotism, there is a need for the control of knowledge. With this period, which is also called Materialistic Cultural Despotism, there is a need for the control of knowledge. In this process, it is seen that the world has experienced the uncontrolled spread of information, and access to all kinds of information whose accuracy or falsity is controversial has become easier. Accordingly, there is a need for the control of knowledge and effective management of its dissemination. However, it is clear that existing global network and satellite technologies serve monopoly structures or capitalist pioneer countries. In this structure, the need to struggle with certain difficulties that affect the individual and society is obvious. At this point, the situations created by the lack of authority for accurate information and information security have made the reliability of all institutions and individuals doubtful. In this context, it is necessary to deal with the issue in terms of individual and social security. In this article, the dissemination of information that emerges as a result of technological developments is discussed within the scope of individual and social security. The subject is examined in the context of the literature within the framework of the right of communication and freedom of expression, which are attributed sacred in the new global structure.

Prof. Muzaffer Şeker
DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.2020.003