Austrian famous Turcologist Prof. Dr. Andreas Tietze had collected ingredients during his life to prepare for historical and etymological dictionary of Türkiye Turkish life. Tietze worked as a faculty member at Istanbul University for a long time. This dictionary was planned as 7 volumes. The first volume of the dictionary (letters A-E) was published in 2002 by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and the Simurg Bookstore (İstanbul) as the product of the Austrian Academy of Sciences project under his management when Prof. Tietze was alive. The second volume (letters F-J) was published (in Turkish) by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2009 as a product of the project by the Austrian Academy of Sciences after the death of Prof. Tietze.

TÜBA aims to complete this work by reviewing these two volumes previously published and publishing the other volumes. Prof. Tietze gave an important part of his life for preparing this Historical and Etymological Dictionary of Türkiye Turkish. The dictionary, which is the product of a rigorous study and contains the examination of a large number of books from a 700-year period by the method of text scanning, includes around 60 thousand substances. The work covers old Anatolian and Rumelia Turkish from 14th century and Türkiye Turkish until the end of the 20th century. The study also includes some books published in the 19th century with Greek and Armenian letters, and the words and slang in the dialect texts compiled in Anatolia and Rumelia in the 20th century. Türkiye gives place to all by word and example used in Türkiye Turkish that he has found without any distinction of old-new and origin.

All publication rights and related materials that covers Tietze’s works have been taken over by TÜBA from all of Andreas Tietze’s successors and Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2014.

In the first half of 2015, Andreas Tietze and a team including scientists who were involved in the works of the first two volumes were formed and preparatory works for the publication of the dictionary was started with the financial support provided by the Ministry of Development.

Prof. Dr. Semih Tezcan and the project team reviewed the two volumes previously published in large sizes and rearranged them into three volumes (A-B, C-E, F-J) in more useful sizes. The fourth volume (K-L), which was published for the first time, was prepared in accordance with the drawings and materials of Andreas Tietze. In December 2016, TÜBA published four volumes covering A-L letters. Following the death of Prof. Dr. Tezcan, the first director of the project, in September 2017, with the editorship of Prof. Dr. Emine Yılmaz and Prof. Dr. Nurettin Demir, the 5th volume of the dictionary (M-N) was edited in June 2018 and the 6th volume (OR) was completed in September 2018 and presented to the scientific world. The 7th (S-S), 8th (T-V), 9th (Y-Z), and 10th (index) volumes of this important work of Prof Tietze published and completed in 2019. The 10th volume (Index) was completed in February 2020 and presented to the benefit of the scientific world. In this way, all volumes of the work, including the index, were published based on existing original drafts and materials, and the project was completed. The second edition of the Historical and Etymological Dictionary of Türkiye Turkish, revised and enlarged in light of new documents from the Tietze Family, was released in December 2021 in eight volumes as a complete set.

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