Ecology of the Marmara Sea: Formation and Interactions of Marine Mucilage, and Recommendations for Solutions

Mucilage Formation in Marmara Sea Possible Causes And Recommendations

Mucilage problem occurred in June 2021 in Marmara Sea and possible causes were investigated in this work. A review was carried out on the works related to possible causes and harmful effects of mucilage to environment and marine ecosystem as well as mucilage formation initiating pollution loads coming from Marmara basin and from outside the basin especially from Black Sea. Nutrients (N, P) and Micro-pollutants such as pesticides, PCBs, PAHs, PBDEs, heavy met- als and micro-plastics and their effects in overall pollution are considered important. Micro-pollutants can accumulate in the food chain and prevent or slow down the reproduction of some species. The decrease in the effect of shellfish and small fish feeding on phytoplankton in the food chain causes uncontrolled increase in phytoplankton numbers with the accumulation and temperature of nutrients rich in N, P. In addition, the withdrawal of fish that feed on plankton from the environment by hunting in large quantities is a factor that increases the effect of this situation.

Prof. Mehmet Emin Aydın
DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.2021.003