Circular Economy and Sustainable Living

The Vision of Sustainable Development and The Model of Circular Economy in Education on The Axis of Systemic Thinking

The concepts of Systemic Thinking, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy have become increasingly important for scientists, theorists, academics, policy makers, decision makers, practitioners and educators. These concepts have become essential bases of the solution for the global problems, especially in overcoming environmental and social difficulties appearing in the agenda of today’s economies. Considering that ecological, sociological and economic problems are complex and multi-cause, touch every area of our society and require more holistic solutions, the education field, as one of the most critical areas in order to encourage the transition to a sustainable world order and to overcome the consequences of the current global crises, is indisputably important in terms of policies to be determined and initiatives to be implemented. Education, while equipping our children, youth and even adults with the required knowledge, skills, behaviors, attitudes, and values of the current age, provides them with the competence to properly cope with all the difficulties they do encounter or will encounter in real life. As a society, the strategies we will develop and the investments we will make by understanding the power of education will be the key to the durability and welfare of our world in the future. From this point of view, this article discusses how the Sustainable Development vision, and the Circular Economy model can be benefited jointly in the axis of systemic thinking and how these principles can be reflected in educational spaces.

Doç. Dr. Mustafa Öztürk
DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.978-605-2249-97-0.ch10