The Anatomy of The Global out Break: The Future of Human And Society

Theological and Theo-Political Developments during and after COVID-19 Pandemic

In the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many political, economic, psychological, socio-cultural changes. According to some analysis and studies, it seems that these changes will continue in the post-COVID-19 period. It is already being done, some categorizations-periodization’s, such as “before COVID-19” and “after/post-COVID-19”, and accordingly it is stated that the World will change tracks. As a result, it is obvious that these changes and evolutions, during COVID-19 pandemic and after, have already affected and will mainly affect religious understanding, practice and discussions.

This article consists of some theological and theo-political discussions and evaluations related to illness and COVID-19 pandemic among especially within some movements of Muslims, Jews and Christians and some possible theological and theo-political developments after COVID-19. In this regard, it firstly analyses the general understanding of religions regarding to illness, the COVID- 19 pandemic, and then theological and theo-political discussions over the COVID-19 during the pandemic. Lastly, some theological and theo-political advantages and challenges after COVID-19, in relation with religion, religious people in general and Islam-Muslims specifically are discussed.

Prof. Özcan Hıdır
DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.2020.059