TÜBA – Turkish Science Classics Project’s call

TÜBA – Turkish Science Classics Project’s call

TÜBA get started the ‘Turkish Science Classics Project’ in aim of ‘spread the scientific approach and thought’, ‘provide the appreciation and acceptation of science in the society’, ‘leading the young people to science and researchs.’

The purpose of this project save cultural treasures by original edition, transliterate the classical works belongs to Turkish-Islam science and cultural heritage. The project is important for our country’s general and scientific development by the confidence and motivation. In addition, this project considered as a historical project because of it’s support and encouragement to this scientific works.

The goals of Turkish Science Classics Project is bring in ‘100 Basic Work’ which is about ‘Natural and Technical Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Philosophy and Music, Turkic and Islamic Sciences’ to our science life. 

It’s avaible to application to this Project for the scientists and academics that able to do transliteration and translation to Turkish-Islam classics written with different languages like arabic and persian.

No or fully translated/unreleased, ready or almost ready to publish works are high priority. Works are also will determine by the committe before publish them.

Applications that comes by this call will be consider as an offer. After the evaluating and acceptation of the offers, feedbacks and processes will start.

‘Work Offer Form’ must be filled properly and it must be sent to TÜBA by mail, courier or e-mail to evaluate the application.

Turkish Academy of Sciences 
Duygu Coşkun / Project Manager: 0312 442 29 03 / 141
Piyade Sokak, No: 27 Çankaya/ANKARA

Work Offer Form: PDF, DOC