Sustainable Development And Green Sukuk: The Case Of Türkiye

Sustainable Development And Green Sukuk: The Case Of Türkiye
In this study, it has been tried to emphasize the increase in events such as global warming, environmental pollution, Covid-19 pandemic in recent years and the impact of all these important environmental effects on the sustainability of life. At the beginning of the study, a literature search is conducted. In the following, the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development are explained. In the fourth chapter, sustainable and climate change finance, sustainable development finance, climate finance, green finance and green finance applications in the world and in Türkiye are explained. In the fifth chapter, green sukuk is explained in detail. In the sixth chapter, examples of green sukuk in the world and in Türkiye are given. In the seventh chapter, what has been done about green sukuk in Türkiye, its problems, solution suggestions and the future of green sukuk are given.