International Conference by TÜBA: Global Transformations and Türkiye

International Conference by TÜBA: Global Transformations and Türkiye

TÜBA International Relations Working Group will organize "Global Transformations and Türkiye" conference on April 18-20th, 2024 at Istanbul University Beyazıt Campus.

Focusing on the significant changes the world has undergone recently and their impact on Türkiye, the conference in English with the theme "global transformations" aims to provide a broad framework for academics, policy makers and the general public. Today's global transformations, culture, civilization and identity, war, peace and conflict resolution, migration, refugees and human security, cyber security, energy security and security of supply chains, new channels of diplomacy and science diplomacy, emerging technologies in diplomacy and interactions, artificial intelligence and global inequalities, just order will be discussed in panels under 14 different topics. These topics include diplomacy and security and strategy in a changing world, hybrid warfare and non-state actors in world politics, cyber behavior and the challenges of artificial intelligence.

The first speaker of the conference will be Prof. Siba N'Zatioula Grovogui from Cornell University, who has contributed significantly to the international relations literature around the world, and will discuss "Imaginaries of International Society: Cross-Roads From 'Rome, 'Serendippo' and 'Yalta'": Cross-Roads From 'Rome,' 'Serendippo' and 'Yalta'".

In the Plenary Panel of the Conference, Prof. Jeffrey David Sachs, TÜBA Honorary Member from Columbia University will speak on " Türkiye, Sustainable Development, and the New World Economy" , Prof. Bahar Rumelili from Koç University will speak on "Navigating Subjectivity in the Age of Anxiety: An Existentialist Perspective on post-2010 Turkish Foreign Policy", and Prof. Oliver Richmond from the University of Manchester, "The Impasse in Peacemaking: Maturing for the Emergence of Multipolarity in the International Order".

Nearly 70 speakers from 20 countries are coming together.
TÜBA President Prof. Muzaffer Şeker pointed out that global transformations have accelerated even more since the beginning of the 2000s with the acceleration brought by technology, and said that the developments and interactions that have occurred in the last five hundred years are incomparably greater than in previous periods and have accelerated even more in recent years. "With new inventions and the increasing speed of transportation and telecommunication technologies, the world has indeed become a "global village", which has led to a change in the nature of international relations both in theory and practice. New concepts and issues such as cyberspace, digital communication, artificial intelligence, human security and cybersecurity, non-traditional channels of diplomacy, sustainability have emerged that were not on the agenda of both academics and the general public 20-30 years ago. On the other hand, traditional-conventional concepts and issues such as war, the increasing destructive capacity of states and non-state actors, migration and energy security still exist and continue to exert pressure on international relations. Being located at the crossroads of continents, Türkiye has always been under the influence of global transformations and has recently aspired to be an actor in these transformations. Undoubtedly, we are facing both positive and negative effects of these developments." President Şeker said that the conference, which brought together nearly 70 speakers from 20 countries, will evaluate the global transformation from every perspective and will concretize the effects of transformation and change on Türkiye in every sense.

The conference was organized by members of the TÜBA International Relations Working Group. Prof. A. Nuri Yurdusev, Full Member of TÜBA and Faculty Member of Middle East Technical University, Prof. Pınar Bilgin, Full Member of TÜBA and Faculty Member of Bilkent University, Prof. Birol Akgün, Faculty Member of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Prof. Şener Aktürk, Full Member of TÜBA and Faculty Member of Koç University, Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan, Faculty Member of Üsküdar University, Prof. Muhittin Ataman, Faculty Member of Ankara Social Sciences University, Prof. Muhittin Ataman, TÜBA Associate Member and Sakarya University Faculty Member Prof. Ali Balcı, TÜBA Full Member and Nişantası University Rector Prof. Ayşegül Komsuoğlu, Altınbaş University Rector Prof. Çağrı Erhan, Ankara Social Sciences University Faculty Member Prof. Mehmet Akif Kireçci, TÜBA Young Academy and Bilkent University Faculty Member Assoc. Prof.Eliza Gheorghe and lastly Asst. Prof. Mürsel Doğrul from the National Defense University.