TÜBA Workshop on Efficiency in Natural Resources and Alternative Energy Solutions
The "Workshop on Efficiency in Natural Resources and Alternative Energy Solutions" organized by TÜBA Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Energy Working Group took place in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and lasted for two days.
The opening of the program, hosted by Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and ITU TRNC, and in partnership with the TC Development and Economic Cooperation Office, was conducted by the President of TRNC, Ersin Tatar, and the Ambassador of Turkey to Nicosia, Prof. Dr. Metin Feyzioğlu, TÜBA President Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Şeker, and ITU TRNC Rector Prof. Dr. Cumali Kınacı.
The program, which involved a total of 26 participants, including experts from various institutions and academics from different universities, addressed topics such as "Water Management in TRNC within the Framework of Climate Change" on the first day. The first session of the day, which also included different subjects related to earthquakes, was chaired by Prof. Dr. Lütfi Akca, the President of the Turkish Water Institute. Prof. Dr. Necati Ağıralioğlu from Antalya Science University talked about the "Historical Background of Water Problem in Cyprus," TÜBA Honorary Member and ITU Faculty Member Prof. Dr. İzzet Öztürk discussed the "Impacts of Climate Change on Water Supply from Turkey to Cyprus," ITU Faculty Member Dr. Asst. Prof. Türker Türken presented on "Sustainable Water Management in Northern Cyprus," and Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş from Near East University discussed "Current Water Needs of Cyprus and the Status of Underground Water Resources."